Maker Faire Recap

Posted by on May 28, 2011 in Blog, Etc | No Comments

This past weekend Ollie and I exhibited at Maker Faire in San Francisco. Many of my favorite organizations were there, Exploratorium, Spark Fun, Digikey, Lego, Etsy, Instructables, Google, NASA (!!!)…. and many smaller individuals who haven’t yet grown into largeish organizations, MaceTech, Ira Sherman (chastity belts!!!), Sensebridge, Mark Lottor. Setup was very easy- we shipped […]

555 timer lighting controls and a wee bit of silicone casting

Posted by on May 13, 2011 in Blog, Etc | No Comments

I am not so confident about my newest project. For one thing, it encompasses a number of unrelated processes, all of which have a failure factor. Mold making, casting, laser cutting, tube bending and of course circuit design. The concept is that there is a stepped white acrylic base, with stainless steel tubing coming out […]

CLEO conference – lasers are cool

Posted by on May 10, 2011 in Blog, Etc | No Comments

Last week I worked at the CLEO conference in Baltimore, Maryland. It was a fun week- it was nice and sunny, I got a stylee ride both ways (one way in Diesel Jetta & the other in Nissan Hybrid) and ate some really good seafood. The CLEO conference is a trade show and conference about […]

Analog lighting control and the LED

Posted by on May 7, 2011 in Blog, Etc | No Comments

Do you have dimmer switches on your incandescent lights? They used to be basically a resistor that controls the current going to the filament in your bulb. The filament is the little coiled wire inside of the bulb. As current is put into the filament, it is released as heat. When a wire gets really […]