Signals and Systems, a Formulaic Design Approach to creating an Interactive Art piece

Posted by on Sep 19, 2011 in Blog, Etc | No Comments

Since my last post, I have been to Burning Man, the Open Hardware Summit and World Maker Faire NYC.  All of those recent events were AWESOME and have been documented hugely online. However, this post is about Getting Started in creating an electronic or interactive piece. Daniel Rozin’s Wooden mirrors are my absolute favorite interactive […]

Grand Rapids Art Prize

Posted by on Sep 9, 2011 in Blog, Etc | No Comments

From Ran Ortner, winner of the Grand Rapids Art Prize 2009. “… if I ever encounter a young artist who has any doubts about investing the next ten years of his or her life in his or her work, my advice is always to quit. If you have any capacity to quit whatsoever, most certainly […]