Cell Phone Signal Detector Schematic!

Posted by on Sep 12, 2013 in Blog, Etc | No Comments

I get so much email about this circuit that I’m going to post it here as jpg.  Here are the files, schematic and PCB, in Kicad. If you use these files, please turn the silkscreen layer on because I didn’t and so my boards didn’t have any. Also, please credit me for the design work. […]

What I’m working on right now 9/9..Maker Faire

Posted by on Sep 9, 2013 in Blog, Etc | No Comments


Open Hardware Summit!

Posted by on Sep 5, 2013 in Blog, Etc | No Comments

I am going to the Open Hardware Summmit tomorrow! It has been held in New York City in the past, and always around the same time as Maker Faire NYC. The location and my addiction to Maker Faire made it really easy for me to attend the past 2 years. This year, the Open Hardware […]