Bounce! is an installation involving up to 6 people bouncing (The Bouncers) on mini-trampolines while wearing a Virtual Reality headset called the Oculus Rift. In the real world there are trampolines and water guns. In the virtual world there are sunny skies, brightly colored pedestals and clouds.
Bouncers can obtain points by grabbing for clouds and the points are shown on an LED leaderboard (scoreboard). There are clouds that play music, there are clouds that give double points and there are clouds that are rain clouds and when grabbed, will result in a water gun spray at the Bouncer.
Spectators will create community with each other by cheering on the Bouncers while they get squirted with water and gain points.

Regarding safety: either there will be a bar on the trampoline that the participant hangs on to, or the trampoline will be surrounded by mats, or a mesh fence.


Oculus Rift with Computer

Rudimentary 3D world in Unity

Rudimentary 3D world in Unity

Fitness people bouncing wearing Oculus (they should be wearing a harness or holding onto a bar!)

Fitness people bouncing wearing Oculus (they should be wearing a harness or holding onto a bar!)

People bouncing in the Virtual World

People bouncing in the Virtual World

BounceBackgroundWithSCoreBoard copy

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