A Watt is not a Watt, What?

Posted by on Jun 24, 2011 in Blog, Etc | No Comments

I’ve just started to work with sound for the first time. Oh, I’ve dabbled a little bit in the record-able birthday card arena, built a couple of embedded amplifiers and a filter (strong word for a capacitor) or two, but I’m pretty clueless when it comes to the sound lingo. The HeartBeat Dome project requires […]

HeartBeat Dome and the path to creativity

Posted by on Jun 19, 2011 in Blog, Etc | No Comments

It’s time for a new project again. The new project will be designed for Burning man Festival in Black Rock City, Nevada. I’m working with three other people on this one, and it’s working out really well. Two of the people live 3,000 miles away from me so designing something over email and texting is […]

Finger Pulse Oximeter!

Posted by on Jun 7, 2011 in Blog, Etc | No Comments

Check back for more posts on the Oximeter. Here’s the link for the Maker Faire recap. I ordered a finger pulse oximeter online, which was waiting for me on my porch when I got home yesterday. A pulse oximeter measures a couple of important human body functions- the heart rate and hemoglobin oxygen saturation. Heart […]